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Occupational Therapy Australia is governed by a Board of Directors elected by members and or through the Nominations Committee. There can be up to ten Board Directors, which includes provision for external non-member and non-occupational therapists as directors.

Governance Documents

Governance Review

During 2024, OTA commenced a significant Governance Review commencing with the development of a new Constitution. This was passed by the members on Tuesday 19 November 2024 at the Annual General Meeting.

Transitional rules are now in place to support the move to the new Constitution. Following this the By-laws and other governance documents will be reviewed and refreshed to ensure compliance and are in line with contemporary best practice.

Code of Ethics

The ethos of the occupational therapy profession and its practice requires its members to “discharge their duties and responsibilities, at all times, in a manner which professionally, ethically and morally compromises no individual with whom they have professional contact, irrespective of that person’s position, situation or condition in society”.

The Code of Ethics (PDF, 592 KB) is founded on the bio-ethical principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, honesty, veracity, confidentiality, justice, respect and autonomy.

Strategic Plans

Our future strategy and approach have been developed in close collaboration with our members and a wide range of friends, supporters, partners, and stakeholders. Through deep listening and courageous conversations, we have honoured our history and achievements while paving the way for a future that is responsive to the progress and prominence of occupational therapy as a leading and growing allied health profession.

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